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Alcohol may be less harmful for people over 50

 Several reasons explain this phenomenon 

Alcohol consumption among the elderly is a little known subject, sometimes tabook 
Several reasons explain this phenomenon

Firstly, alcohol consumption among this public is less visible: the social consequences are less numerous (work stoppage, license withdrawal, aggression, etc.) and the social network surrounding older people is more limited, Alcohol consumption among this audience tends to fall by the wayside.

Second, the majority of the population tends to minimize alcohol consumption among this audience, as if it were not dangerous for the elderly or as if it was too late to help.

Finally, there has been little literature on this issue. It highlights a real difficulty for professionals to detect the signs of problematic consumption. In fact, other age-related pathologies have the same physical consequences (memory problems, concentration difficulties, falls, etc.) and make diagnosis difficult.

Alcohol consumption among seniors is therefore not very visible and yet, with age, it includes more risks and deserves our full attention. Moreover, with the aging of the population, problematic consumption of alcohol can persist over time. 

The effects of alcohol


Drinking alcohol has a direct effect on the body. The absorbed alcohol is found in the blood and then diffuses into the body. After about ten minutes, he reaches the brain and the first effects are felt (see also: alcohol and the brain).

The effect varies depending on the number of drinks consumed, the rate of absorption, sex, height and weight, how the alcohol was consumed, mood at that time, fatigue, physical condition and ... age.

Learn more about the assimilation of alcohol in the body »

In old age, alcohol is less tolerant than at a younger age [2]. This difference is explained by the different metabolic changes that occur as we get older. First, the amount of fluid tends to decrease, while the amount of fat increases in the body. In addition, the liver and kidneys work less efficiently and the physical resistance decreases. Therefore, when an older person drinks alcohol, his body assimilates the psychoactive substance (ethanol) less quickly. Therefore, for the same amount of alcohol, older people have higher blood levels, less tolerance and faster drunkenness (with potentially more physical damage). 

Types of consumption and related risks.


As for everyone, seniors consume alcohol in different ways: from abstinence to addiction, it is important to identify the mode of consumption, the risks associated with it, and to prevent the effects on alcohol consumption. life of the person [3].

All alcohol users are obviously not addicted to alcohol.

More information about the types of consumption »

    Excessive consumption of alcohol

We talk about excessive consumption when the person consumes punctually alcohol, but in excess.

To learn more about reasonable consumption »

In the elderly, falls and accidents are the major risks of such a mode of consumption.

    Problematic consumption

A problematic use of alcohol is a consumption that has consequences on the person's life. They can be social (eg isolation), physical, psychic, financial (eg debts), etc.

The most common disorders are: hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, incontinence, fatigue, depression, insomnia, disorientation, memory problems and balance disorders. Seniors are also at higher risk of falls (a major cause of death for those over 65).

How is consumption becoming problematic for the elderly? There are two main categories: either, consumption was older than entry into old age and continues over the years; either consumption occurs afterwards, in response to changes in life [3]. In the first case, consumption habits had settled earlier in the life of the person and are maintained. For example, the person used to have an aperitif every night and this habit increases over time: the person needs to increase the amount of alcohol to achieve the same relaxing effect. In the second case, consumption occurs during the third age and may be in response to changes related to this period of life. The loss of autonomy, the beginning of retirement, isolation, health concerns, loss of one's spouse, are all events that disrupt the life of the person and can cause a problematic start of consumption.

Beyond these two broad categories, alcohol consumption can become problematic for other reasons, depending on individual specificities.


Dependence is defined by the need to consume, while health risks, social isolation, intensify with time and with age. This is not the most common mode of consumption for seniors, but falls, isolation, financial hardship are signs of possible alcohol addiction.

Alcohol may be less harmful for people over 50 Alcohol may be less harmful for people over 50 Reviewed by Admin on May 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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