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Burn body fat effectively in 5 steps

Burn body fat effectively in 5 steps

Burn fat to effectively disappear "cartridge belts" or annoying belly fat does not mean drastically reduce calories or go hungry.

Extreme diets, fasting and limited food variety are not only monotonous, but also pose a health risk.

Eating healthy and balanced is the basis for burning body fat effectively. Discover in 5 simple steps how you can reduce the percentage of body fat in the long term without giving up anything.

1. Measure body fat percentage

Burn fat without knowing the percentage of it is not possible.

Body weight or BMI does not provide any information about the current body fat percentage.

It is considered that women with a fat percentage of more than 30% are clearly overweight.

In the case of men, the percentage is far below. Starting at 20%, body fat should be reduced. There are many methods to determine the percentage of current body fat
bioimpedance scale

Bioimpedance scales measure fat by driving electrical current through the body. Through the electrical resistance that is measured, the percentage of body fat can be calculated.

In addition to the fat, the percentage of muscles and water is also calculated through the so-called BIA analysis.

Some factors such as water intake, diet and sweating can alter the result. The value can vary a lot if you have not drunk enough water before.
Measuring tape

In the case of the classic variant of the tape measure, the outline of the abdomen at the level of the navel is measured. The contour is established in relation to body weight and sex.

This method, easy and cheap, gives us an approximate information about the percentage of fat.

Below is an example calculation of how you can calculate your body fat percentage (PGC):

PGC = 74.11 x abdomen contour in cm - 4464 / weight in kg - 8.2
Example: PGC = 74.11 x 90 cm - 4464/88 kg - 8.2 = 16.9%

PGC = 74.11 x abdomen contour in cm - 3482 / weight in kg - 8.2
Example: PGC = 74.11 x 70 cm - 3482/60 kg -8.2 = 20.2%

If the musculature is well trained and the percentage of fat is very low, the values ​​may be altered.

Important: you can get the most accurate data on the percentage of fat with a professional measurement by a doctor.

Measurement of skin folds with gauge.

 Measurement of skin folds with gauge
The thickness of skin folds in different parts of the body is measured by means of a caliper.

The thicker the depth of the folds, the higher the percentage of body fat. The calculated values ​​are related to age and sex.

The caliper caliper is a very accurate and economical method to calculate the percentage of body fat.

Tip: Make at least 2 measurements per measurement point. If the value of a measurement point varies more than 1 mm, repeat the process until the result is almost identical.

Measurement point 1: the triceps is measured in women and the chest in men.

Measurement point 2: the thickness of the fold of the skin of the abdomen in women and men is taken.

Measurement point 3: in women, the fold of the hip is measured and in men the fold of the thigh.

Body fat: what types of fats are there?

Stored fat: if we have too much fat stored in the body, we put our health at risk. The visceral fat is stored in the hypodermis of the abdomen and buttocks.

The fat surrounds the internal organs and serves as a reserve of energy. These reserves of fat are the first to decrease if you reduce calories specifically.

Essential fat: essential fat protects organs from high pressure loads. It serves as mechanical protection on the buttocks, extremities and soles of the feet.

2. Moderately reduce calorie consumption


2. Moderately reduce calorie consumption

Burn fat and reduce calories without slowing down the metabolism requires a controlled procedure.

In a first step, the daily consumption of calories is specifically reduced. Adapt the reduction of calories to your total personal energy expenditure.

A caloric deficit of 500 to 800 kcal per day is recommended. You can calculate your total caloric energy expenditure with our calorie calculator easily and conveniently.

Calorie calculator
Calorie calculator
Personal information
Your training goal
Gain muscle mass
Muscle definition
Keep in weight
Physical activity
Only in a sitting position p. ex. office or administrative work
Sedentary with some movement and, at times, standing p. ex. jobs in schools, hospitals or commercial
Standing and moving p. ex. retail, theater
Demanding physical work p. ex. in gastromonĂ­a, craftwork
Trainings a week

This also means adapting the feed according to the quality and not the quantity. The focus is on foods with high nutrient density and low energy density.

Take unprocessed foods such as vegetables, some fruit, low fat meat, healthy fats, dairy products and eggs.

An active metabolism decreases excess body fat directly and safely. In addition, with the burning of fat, the stored toxins are eliminated more quickly.

Too many toxins can prevent you from losing weight in a healthy and effective way. Reducing calories dramatically leads to greater weight loss but weakens essential resources.

You lose valuable muscle mass, which helps you achieve your goal more quickly and maintain it during fat burning.

Burn body fat effectively in 5 steps Burn body fat effectively in 5 steps Reviewed by Admin on May 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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